Sign in with Apple JS

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Provide users with a fast, secure way to sign into your web service with their Apple ID using Sign in with Apple JS.

Posts under Sign in with Apple JS tag

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{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to bundleID"}
Hello, I need to use a apple sign in in ios application, i get my authorization code from hybryde apllication : let options: SignInWithAppleOptions = { clientId: ConstConfig.APPLE_CLIENT_ID, redirectURI: ConstConfig.APPLE_REDIRECT_URI, scopes: ConstConfig.APPLE_SCOPES, state: ConstConfig.APPLE_STATE, nonce: ConstConfig.APPLE_NONCE }; SignInWithApple.authorize(options) .then((result: SignInWithAppleResponse) => { this.authenticate.appleAuthorizationCode = result.response.authorizationCode; this.authenticate.appleUser = result.response.user; this.authenticate.appleIdentityToken = result.response.identityToken; i send this 3 value to my backend JAVA to validate the accessToken and get the refrsh token, validate java Method :"Apple authorization validation"); // get the subject received from the client String clientSubject = getSubject(identityToken); // verifying the code by the apple server String token = getToken(); logger.debug("Authorize with token:" + token); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("client_id", APPLE_CLIENT_ID); params.put("client_secret", token); params.put("code", authorisationCode); params.put("grant_type", "authorization_code"); params.put("redirect_uri", ""); if (redirectURI != null) { } String response = post(APPLE_AUTH_URL, params);"Apple authorization response:" + response); AppleTokenResponse tokenResponse = objectMapper.readValue(response, AppleTokenResponse.class); if (tokenResponse.getError() != null && tokenResponse.getError().length() > 0) { logger.warn("Error during verification of the code. Reason:" + tokenResponse.getError()); return null; } String serverSubject = getSubject(tokenResponse.getId_token()); if (!serverSubject.equals(clientSubject)) { logger.warn("Validation failed, subject does not match!"); return null; } return getClaims(tokenResponse.getId_token()); the JWT TOken : return Jwts.builder() .setHeaderParam(JwsHeader.KEY_ID, APPLE_KEY_ID) .setHeaderParam(JwsHeader.ALGORITHM,"ES256") .setIssuer(APPLE_TEAM_ID) .setAudience(APPLE_APPLE_ID_URL) .setSubject(APPLE_CLIENT_ID) .setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * 60 * 5))) .setIssuedAt(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) .signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.ES256, pKey) .compact(); how i get my private key : File file = new File(APPLE_CERTIFICATE_PATH); try { PEMParser pemParser = new PEMParser(new FileReader(file)); JcaPEMKeyConverter converter = new JcaPEMKeyConverter(); PrivateKeyInfo object = (PrivateKeyInfo) pemParser.readObject(); APPLE_PRIVATE_KEY = converter.getPrivateKey(object);"load apple private keys Ok."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("error on generate apple sign in private Key : ", ex); } thr response still return : {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to bundleID"}, i don't know the reason. i read that i nedd to check in testFlit, ido but i still get the same error, i also put the same redirect_url in front and back (for me that not needed because i dont use u web sign in ) but i still get the same error. for my bundle id i use the APP Identifier not the service Identifier in front and back. its correct ? thank for your help.
Jul ’23
CORS error at token endpoint
I have the below code block to call the token endpoint. The endpoint succeeds from Postman with JSON response but from my web application, it fails with CORS error. What could be the reason for this behavior? const axios = require('axios'); const qs = require('qs'); let data = qs.stringify({ 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': 'xxxxxxyyyyybbb, 'redirect_uri': 'https:myApp/login', 'client_id': 'com.myclient_id', 'client_secret': 'myworkingsecret' }); let config = { method: 'post', maxBodyLength: Infinity, url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data : data }; axios.request(config) .then((response) => { console.log(JSON.stringify(; }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); });
Jun ’23